Saturday, March 22, 2014

Friendship and Betrayal- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (ch.6-15)

So far along the novel, the theme friendship and betrayal is starting to come along. A part in these chapters when betrayal is recognized is in chapter 8 when Huck fakes his own death and hides out in the island. This is a form of betrayal because Huck knows that people who care for him for example Tom Sawyer, Judge Thatcher, and even his father Pap are out looking for him thinking the worse of what happened to Huck. Another part in this novel that betrayal is recognized is in chapter 9 when Huck and Jim discover a dead body when they board a cabin."It's a dead man. Yes, indeedy; naked, too. He's ben shot in de back. I reck'n he's ben dead two er three days. Come in, Huck, but doan' look at his face—it's too gashly." (chapter 9) When reading this part, I thought that Jim betrayed Huck because Jim recognized the dead body to be that of Hucks father but didn't tell Huck. Even though Jim was trying to protect Huck from knowing, this is still a form of betrayal were he lied to Huck.Which I thought wasn't right.
     Another theme in these chapters is friendship. Friendship starts to form between Jim and Huck. "Well, I warn't long making him understand I warn't dead. I was ever so glad to see Jim. I warn't lonesome now. I told him I warn't afraid of him telling the people where I was. I talked along, but he only set there and looked at me; never said nothing".(chapter 8) Huck is glad to see Jim, meaning he consider Jim a friend. Right or Wrong? Friendship is all about having each other back and I think that Huck and Jim formed a friendship that is based on needing each other in this adventure they are.Supposed to the kind of friendship that is on liking and getting to know each other. Just maybe friendship for Jim and Huck will expand than it is already is.   


  1. Chinonso, in these chapters, they do not tell you who the dead body belongs to. In fact, Twain doesn't reveal that until much later in the novel. Why do you think that is?

  2. I was confused when you said the dead body was Huck's father. I thought I missed something when reading; I was about to go back and read the chapter again lol. But thanks for ruining it Chin. haha. But, do you think Huck will ever realize that Tom isn't good for him? Jim is definitely a better friend to Huck in my opinion.

  3. Sorry to confuse you guys, I read this book a few years back and remembered it was his dad's. On answering your questions, yes I believe Huck will realize Tom isn't good for him because he will see a better friendship with Jim. Ms. Watkins I think that Twain wants to make the novel more suspenseful once Huck learns that that is his dad.

  4. While I can see why you think by running away Huck was betraying the people that loved him, I don't really label it as betrayal. To me, betrayal is done intentionally, and I don't think Huck intended to hurt Tom, Judge Thatcher, etc. It was more for his sake than theirs. I do agree with you when you say their bond formed because they need each other on this "journey." I feel like that's the only reason why they became friends because I'm not too sure it would be the same if they weren't in this predicament.
