Friday, November 29, 2013

The Scarlet Letter Chapter 15-24 (pg. 171-259)

   I was very emotional after reading the the last 10 chapters of this novel. 1/4 of me was happy that were finally getting somewhere in the novel while the other 3/4 of me was disappointed because there was no happy ending and the author left us in confusion. To add on I felt like the ending was rushed. Its like watching a movie and your hoping there is a part 2 to that movie because the 1st one left you with wanting more. The Scarlet Letter left me with wanting more!

   In chapters 15, I sympathize with Pearl when she repeatedly asked what the scarlet letter meant. My dislike for her in the beginning of the novel till now has changed. When she compared the scarlet letter her mother wears to the same reason Dimmesdale covers his heart over his hand, made me realize how smart she is for a seven year old girl. In order for her to understand the role Dimmesdale play's in her life she needs to understand the meaning behind the scarlet letter first. Hester holding that information from her by lying about why she wears the scarlet letter makes me see Hester as a sinner to her own child.

  Reading chapters 16-20 made me happy because their was hope that the novel would turn out to be a happy ending. This part of the novel takes place in the forest where Hester and Dimmesdale Finally have an honest and private conversation among themselves. I like that they finally let their emotions out to each other about how they feel about the scarlet letter. I was proud of Hester for telling Dimmesdale that Chillingworth was her husband. The fact that Dimmesdale forgave Hester after she told him that information, in my eyes shows how much they love each other. You can't really blame them, Hester and Dimmesdale kept secrets in order to protect themselves while Chillingworth kept secrets in order to harm others. Things started to get promising when Hester and Dimmesdale decide to leave Boston together with Pearl of course. When Hester takes of the letter and throws it on the ground it shows how happy she is that they can finally be a family and start a new life. I am happy for them because after all these years of pain and suffering that they both endured they get to love each other like they should. At first when Pearl was reluctant to come over to her mother when called, I thought it was because she was jealous that her mom was with someone else instead of her. Then I begin to realize that her refusal to come to her mother was because her mother didn't have the scarlet letter on. I applaud Pearl for standing her ground because she knows that the letter is part of her mothers identity and can not be thrown away. When Pearl washes of the kiss Dimmesdale planted on her, you can see how different she is from her mother. Her mother accepts Dimmesdale while Pearl doesn't until he publicly accepts her. Towards the end of chapter 20 when he tells Chilllingworth that he is alright and doesn't need him anymore, I start seeing Dimmesdale as a new man. 

I was very disappointed when reading chapters 21-23. " that this physician here Chillinworth, he calls himself is minded to try my cabin-fare with you?" (pg 230) Really, Chillingworth is going to be on the ship with them as well. Exactly what is his purpose for following them out of Boston? I get annoyed every time I see his name and read about him. I didn't really understand what Mistress Hibbins was trying to tell Hester. All I got out of the reading was like Pearl she pointed out that the minister keeps his hand over his heart. Now chapter 23 was the jaw dropping moment we have been waiting for. Dimmesdale realizes that he is going to die, sadly, gives the most powerful sermon to the crowd. Just when things were going to look up for Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl. To make it even more interesting he calls Hester and Pearl to the scaffold. Dimmesdale says to Hester, "Is not this better than what we dreamed of in the forest". (pg.249) He reveals to the crowd that he is guilty of the same sin like Hester. He finally did it. The part that really got to me was when Pearl kissed him and he died. It saddens me to know that Pearl just met him and already he is leaving her and the mother for good. It shouldn't have ended this way. 

Chapter 24  Conclusion: The only good thing that made me see Chillingworth as a human being was when he gave all his property to Pearl. Other than that I didn't care if he died. It's good that Hester helps other people that are in need of help. I am happy that she was buried to the man she truly loved and that everyone now sees the scarlet letter as something else than a sin.


  1. I agree with the disappointment of the last chapters, but I would have loved to see what would have happen Chillingworths and the others traveled in the ship. Would Chillingsworth had gotten his revenge? or would he have killed Dimmesdale or would they all have gotten caught in a storm and everyone dies? That last part would have been interesting. Overall good job with the blog

  2. Thank you. My guess would have been that Chillingworth would have gotten his revenge. I am happy that he didn't.

  3. I always thought that Pearl had a lot of innocence throughout the novel especially in Chapter 15 when she questions the scarlet letter. I think it makes sense for Hester to lie to Pearl about the meaning of the scarlet letter because she does not want to give Pearl the wrong impression. I thought the ending wasn't that great either especially because of Dimmesdale's death

  4. Honestly I was so happy when Chillingworth died, I think towards the last chapters of the book, especially when Hester finds out that Chillingworth was going to be the doctor on the ship, I was so annoyed. I felt like he had nothing better to do than to try to ruin everyone's life pretty much. He really had no business being in Hester's life anyway in my opinion.

  5. I could not agree more with you when you said that you felt like the book was rushed. I expected some great ending that would have made everyone happy yet instead, everyone died before I could even comprehend what was happening. The only death I was glad about was Chillingworth because he has annoyed me since he was first introduced in the book. My love grew for Pearl towards the end. She was much smarter than I thought.

  6. Did you think that there would be hope for a happy ending? Do you think Dimmesdale deserved Hester? Good comments!

  7. The fact that they were going to escape gave me hope that there would be a happy ending. Yes I believe that Hester deserved Dimmesdale. You can see the love they had for each other. WHY DID HE HAVE TO GO AND DIE?
